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Lido on Solana Sunset
Updated this week

Lido on Solana has effectively closed down.

If you haven't unstaked after Feb 4th, 2024, visit to learn how to unstake with CLI or self-hosted widget.

If you are having issues claiming using the guide above, please run “./target/release/solido --config solido_config.json --keypair-path ./local-keypair.json perform-maintenance” to update the epoch exchange rate.

Key Dates

  • October 16, 2023: Lido on Solana staking will be discontinued and no new stake will be accepted.

  • November 17, 2023: Voluntary node operator off-boarding will begin.

  • February 4, 2024: Lido on Solana Frontend support will conclude. After this point, unstaking will only be feasible via the Command Line Interface (CLI).

stSOL holders will continue to earn Solana network rewards throughout the sunsetting process, and will be able to unstake via the Lido on Solana frontend until February 4, 2024.

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